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Quantum Physics v.s/& Liquid Modernity:

Even though I still can’t quite understand, I read Einstein’s theory of relativity again and again just for fun when I was a teenager;

Even though Einstein was completely wrong about how quantum mechanism works, I still it’s worth reviewing:

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain;

and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”

Albert Einstein

Aren’t physicists lovely?

♠ Recording or Describe liquid, we need time, like snapshot. And Bauzam describes our society as ‘Liquid Modernity’

♠ And from so many experiments, it is proved that in quantum physics, the movement of quantum is not fixed or shaped when we are not looking at them. Therefore, our observing eyes make them stop moving and that’s a unique snapshot as well.

Before further explanation, I need to quote an angry ‘speech’ from a new film, seriously.

“You’re doing a play based on a book that was written 60 years ago, for a thousand rich, old white people whose only real concern is gonna be where they go to have their cake and coffee when it’s over. Nobody gives a shit but you. And let’s face it, Dad, it’s not for the sake of art. It’s because you just want to feel relevant again. Well, there’s a whole world out there where people fight to be relevant ever day. And you act like it doesn’t even exist! Things are happening in a place that you wilfully ignore, a place that has already forgotten you. I mean who are you? You hate bloggers. You make fun of twitter. You don’t even have a Facebook page. You’re the one who doesn’t exist. You’re doing this (his new play in a theatre) because you’re scared to death, like the rest of us, that you don’t matter. And you know what? You’re right. You don’t…You’re not important. Get used to it.”   — Birman (2014)

Well he didn’t get used to it, and he shot himself in the head. And his daughter is right, sounds pathetic but exactly right. It is called cyber culture and it’s all that matters now, to 99.9% human beings, I’m guessing the number.

“A thing is a thing. not what is said of that thing.”

A note on his dressing room mirror. Is that a denial to all the new things? or, no, a denial to all the old things with new meanings. Meaningless new signified. The cyberculture, the everchanging, the blase, his daughter is embracing. Am I also the one who don’t exist? Hmm….

Like I said at the beginning about the quantum, physicists asked a question like this: Does our universe exist if no one looks at it?”  And I’m wondering…Am I not existing if no one sees me, I mean they only see their mobiles now, don’t they?

However, the more I think about it, the more truth becomes vain.

Above all, the only common quantum and modernity has, and matters is: most people don’t bother to understand the things beneath the surface.

WTF is Quantum Modernity?

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